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As Corporate Trustees, we provide the following core services:

KCB provides corporate trustee services for funds regulated by the Retirement Benefits Authority and the Capital Markets Authority. As corporate trustees, our role is to ensure that the funds operate within the terms of the Trust Deed and Rules, and within the regulatory framework applicable to the funds. We provide the following services as part of our fiduciary responsibility as trustees:

  • Operating the scheme in accordance with the regulations and the scheme’s trust deed and rules.
  • Acting in the best interests of the beneficiaries and making effective trustee decisions relating to the scheme.
  • Taking advice as required and acting prudently, diligently and in good faith.
  • Overseeing delegated functions such as investment and administration of the schemes.
  • Reviewing reports and decisions relating to the scheme.
  • Ensuring proper books and records are maintained.
  • Ensuring that the custodian takes into custody all the scheme investments.
  • Ensuring the schemes comply with all statutory matters.

Target Customers

Custody Services target customers include:

  • Individual Pension Funds.
  • Umbrella Pension Funds.
  • Income Drawdown Funds.
  • Unit Trust Funds.
  • Crowdsourcing Funds.

Rates, Fees & Contact Details:

Service Rates and Fees*

  • Fees are calculated based on the market value of the assets held.
  • No termination penalties.

Contact details

Investor Services,
KCB Towers, 7th Floor, Kenya Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 30664-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 3270-000/0711-012-000

Corporate Trustee Services are regulated by the Capital Markets Authority and the Retirement Benefits Authority.