Wasee, the holidays are right around the corner na tunajua it’s about to be that time tuna take ‘tumia pesa mpaka ikuzoee’ a tad too literally. I’m guilty here too 😂
After what has seemed like the loooongest October EVER admin is super excited that the new month is here. Alsoooo, who else is keeping count till Chrisi? Mimi kusema tu ukweli ni leave ninategea. And of course endless parte after parte (bado watu hutumia hii phrase?). A well deserved break is much needed 😊
So as we ease into the holiday mood, lemme give you some tips on responsible borrowing coz December is not the end of the world, mkumbuke Njaanuary is here chilling to eat us whole. Peep these:
Manage your credit score
How you ask? Simple. Sort your debts, repay your loans on time and refrain from opening any other credit accounts especially if you know it’s going to be struggle keeping up with payments. You wanna make sure your record is clean so when you actually do need to borrow a KCBae loan you won’t have issues accessing one. You can check out our Personal Unsecured Non-Check off and Unsecured Check off loans.
Take only what you need
When you’re copping that loan don’t go overboard. Borrow just what you need. At the end of the day this will make it so much easier for you to lipa your debt.
Consider your finances
Niko sure kila mtu hapa anajijua. You know your spending habits, good and bad, savings, and how much money you expect at the end of every month if you’re salo’d. It’s just that sometimes we tend to live beyond our means. Hi seitan tutaikoma come 2022 sindio? Anweis, all things considered you need to know your repaying capacity otherwise utajiget in hot soup.
Pia mkumbuke hii life ni kujengana. Make sure you keep a good rapport with your borrowers. Give them good reason to trust you. Repay loans on time and keep your credit score high – help KCBae help you.
Wacha nianze weekend yangu sahii (admin ako leave leo na msiskie vibaya) as I wait for this weekend’s 🔥🔥🔥 games.
Over & Out,
The Witty Banker.