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Here’s How To Slay -Street Wise

30th Nov, 2016

As we all yearn to join the corporate world, which is associated with top of the range office wear, German cars and affording to ‘throw a round’ for your friends at your local, the reality dawns on us that these changes come with time – as characterized by the nature of life = bills.

Very few of us know that you do not have to dedicate your entire paycheck to a pair of shoes or a dress in a stall in the middle of the CBD.

So now, just tuck your wallet/purse away and listen to some hacks of life…

Gikomba. This mountain of gold has a lot more to offer than you can ever imagine, however crampy and creasy they may look at first glance, the true magic of bleach and a steamy iron will make you the envy in town as you strut down the street in your ‘camera’ (street slang for exclusive) skirt, dress or whatever you mined in your struggle to financial freedom.

Raid the Closet. There is nothing more exceptional as resurrecting your mother’s antique polka dress, your grandma’s floral printed cardigan or even your father’s slim multicolored stripped tie.

You may choose to bring them back to life with a touch of modern class; a belt, brooch or stylish accessory. A little sewing might give you the perfect fit and voila, without spending a dime, you will have upgraded your wardrobe a notch higher.

Black Friday Deals. Shoppers around the world, deny themselves sleep on the eve of black Friday (It is never that serious though) and you might as well join them in the quest to getting your favorite handbag, pair of shoes or floral peplum dress (that has had you enviously eyeing that mannequin – yeah, we see you!) – Truth is you aren’t alone, but nevertheless, this timely occasional offer should get you sorted for your most coveted clothing items and so much more.

Fashion Exchange. Now you are wondering – Did they just make that up? (Yep, we the bosses!) Anyway, this implies to switching some of your clothes with your friends (who aren’t workmates) to switch up your style once again without using a cent of your salary.

Now we hope that these tips save you more money for the anticipated festive season and at the same time keep you looking sizzling in this dreary and unpredictable holiday weather. Keep Slaying Fam!!

Blogs Wednesday, November 30th, 2016