KCB Bank Kenya presents KCB Den at this year's World Rally Championships in Kenya. The KCB Den, is an experiential zone for KCB customers & Rally spectators to eat, drink, shop as they experience the Rally spectacle, on Sat. 30th & Sun. 31st March 2024.
By filling this form you are showing interest in becoming a vendor inside this section of the rally, to come and sell/showcase your products and/or services.
Please fill this form and submit the required documents for consideration and qualification.
Vendor spaces are open for: Food meals - KES 30,000 | Fast food - KES 20,000 | Biting/pastries - KES 15,000 | Hot beverage/Café - KES 20,000 | Soft drinks - KES 15,000 | Sweets & Dry snacks - KES 5,000 | Vegetarian/single menu item - KES 15,000 | Arts, crafts, jewelry - KES 5,000 --> These fees apply on a per site and per day basis.
The following are the steps to be aware of:-
Duly fill in this form and ensure you upload the required documents. Access the form via this link here
Make the necessary payments,
Follow any additional prompts/instructions at submission of this form.
Read and understand the Terms and Conditions stated here -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/160kB4dg4PjhHxcdB5790DuEZaWAomSEA/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100061079297772421759&rtpof=true&sd=true
Failure to fully comply with the above, leads to automatic disqualification.