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Strategies To Reduce Youth Unemployment In Kenya

21st Dec, 2017

According to the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) 2017 report, Kenya recorded 39.1 percent unemployment rate. The youth unemployment rate is rising at an alarming rate, serving as a wake-up call that the current harsh economic environment should be swiftly dealt with.

How can we help significantly reduce the number of youth unemployment in Kenya? Here are 5 key strategies to reduce youth unemployment.

  1. Encourage Entrepreneurship

It is no secret that entrepreneurs play a vital role in creating wealth and driving economic growth, innovation and employment. That is why, we at KCB Foundation established the 2jiajiri program;to empower and equip unemployed and out-of-school youth to grow micro enterprises by providing them with technical skill training opportunities.

  1. Reassessing the value of unpaid internships

A good number of organizations in Kenya hire interns on an unpaid basis as the assumption is that they are simply seeking to gain ample work experience to better prepare them for the employment world. However, unpaid placements can also leave interns cynical towards the concept of work which shouldn’t be the case. It is therefore crucial that we revisit this matter and begin offering some form of minimal pay to engage young adults.

Provision of earlier career guidance

At an early stage, students need to be provided with a sense of direction vis-à-vis career pathways and be made aware of the massive opportunities out there for them. Career counsellors should be hired to tap into their skills and help steer them towards a fit career path.

  1. Fair opportunities for disadvantaged youth

Giving fair opportunities to disadvantaged youth will create more opportunities for them to build their careers and uplift their communities. The 2jiajiri program aims to sponsor successful graduates in starting up their businesses which will promote employment and overall economic growth.

It is evidently not the end of the world being unemployed. Go forth and be your own boss; be a trendsetter through exploring entrepreneurial opportunities. We wish you all the best!

Blogs Thursday, December 28th, 2017