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There’s No Need to Have that Cold Shower

15th Feb, 2017

Worried? Don’t be. Solar heaters and Power Backups from Chloride Exide are giving KCB customers the chance to live with lights on! We will keep you “On and warm”.

Took me a while before this sunk in. You see, I own a school. My electricity bills are off the roof. I keep having a minor heart-stop every time I walk into the bank; say to pay for and complain about the bills to the poor customer service lady who listens so keenly. Too keenly. I bet next time she will run. I won’t blame her.

Too many bills are a headache, why lie?  Talk to that same customer service lady I usually see and she will assume you overspent this time round. But listen, you are not alone. Just like me, you probably thought about going solar all the way. I mean, it’s about five to ten: maybe thirty solar panels. But again, like me, it got tedious when you thought about having a whole block or field covered in solar panels. And the maintenance? How is that possible? These questions keep me up. They keep us up.

Let me introduce you to Chloride Exide. I hadn’t come around to hear of it until I by passed one of the advertisements on the displays around the banking halls, just like I usually did and not pay attention. This time round, it became clear to me that I needed to listen to this particular one. Ask me, I learnt a lot on this occasion. This came on – KCB customers get a 25% discount on the solar heaters, free transportation and installation and that I could be able to save my electricity cost by 60%! By now I was asking myself what this ‘juju’ was. It was KCB coming to my rescue. I was relieved.

A pen and paper in hand, I calculated the current bill against what I would have gained if I acquired the Solar Heaters. My brothers and sisters, I was thrilled. It was massive and the usual frowny me paying bills was about to be no more. Back to the lady I used to terrify with my bill-rage, I go and calmly ask to be enlightened. Like the students in my school, I get schooled.

So, turns out to set up solar water heating in a house with two users costs an average of Kshs. 100,000. To set up solar water heating in a house with four users costs an average of Kshs. 130,000. To set up solar water heating in a house with six users costs an average of Kshs. 160,000. If you have a loan with KCB or if you purchase either of these systems with your KCB card you are legible for a 20% discount. If you are looking to invest for a lot more users, like I am for the school, they give a greater discount of 25% if you purchase over 5 units.

She expertly starts by noting that she had tried to talk about it every time but I shut her down before she could say “The”. Fair enough, a teacher needs to learn too. So I prosper to learn about Chloride Exide, and so far it is proving to be very exciting. Regulation has it that, for any institution or household that requires use of more than 100 litres of heated water, it is mandatory that they have to install solar water heaters by 2017 to comply with the Energy Regulation Commission. With these solar heaters and power back up solutions, customers are able to enjoy a five hour long supply of water during power blackouts, surges and dimming. Plus the hot water supply goes on for a long 24hrs! Not to mention all the discounts that come with being a KCB customer.

Blogs Wednesday, March 1st, 2017