Wadau, how are you holding up?
Kabla twende mbali lemme just send a special shallap to all parents whose tois are doing the CBC system. These two months of holiday have done a number on some of us. Ya’ll should really check up on kina Ryan and Chantalle’s peroz coz phew! Hizo holidays zimekawia kukawia… Some parents can attest that the past two months have been 🔥 🔥 🔥, but it’s all good. Me I just wanna know why we never say holidays like these in our time.
This back to school period is making admin nostalgic a gudu one. Nakumbuka ile wimbo ya a certain shoe outlet for ‘back to school’ like it was yesterday yaani. Nilikuwa na mauchungu any time it would dawn on me that the holidays were coming to an end and we had to start getting ready for school. Covering books was the worst part btw. And dare you show up in class with your books ‘naked’ heh! Zile viboko zilikuwa zinakungoja… Kina Ryan na Chantalle would never understand… Soft life ndiyo zao.
Wasee walikuwa boarding from primo all the way to high school, mko sawa? Guys, it was rough. Kuoga na maji baridi, eating githeri for lunch and dinner every day. Yaani rice and beans was our equivalent for special meal – and this would be served on SOME Sundays. At least for some of us in gichagi schools. Sospeter was fortunate enough to have the privilege of having gourmet meals like rice, meat, ugali and… wait for it… pilau na chapo! Heh!
Alafu if you were lucky enough to have a tuckie (canteen, for the group of schools ones) that was our saving grace – lemme tell you how I ate those ngumus and kashatas, when I could afford it that is. Then the rugby that would be there on the days they would bring sausages and chipo. Wacha tu… Guys in high school were wondering where I got the skills on the field kumbe ni struggles za primo ziliniingiza rugby team.
Anweis as I sit back and kumbuka those days I can’t help but laugh at myself. Those days really built me and made me the person I am today. Msilie, this ain’t a sad storo…
On a lighter note, the bank that loves you wants to make this time kidogo easier for you tho. It’s a bit of a hectic time for paroz but we’re making back to school a bit more bearable for you as you run the other shughulis you probably have on your plate.
You can lipia for school fees from whenever, wherever using KCB Mobile Banking or KCB iBank, your KCB App, closest branch or KCB agent, Voooma, etc so ata kama you’re on the go you can still sort it from anywhere.
Heh, kids, it’s been real… A bit too real. But I think I’m speaking for a lot of people when I say it’s good to have ya’ll back in school. Folks, enjoy the last week you have with your tois, coz in all honesty, najua utawamiss! Also, prep for traffic 😅. Mpaka next holidays…
Over & Out,
The Witty Banker.