Don’t be cash strapped when you can charge your expenses to one of the most easy-to-use credit cards in Kenya. The Classic Visa Card lets you enjoy the freedom of financial flexibility with limits of Kes 20,000 and above. With eligibility for both KCB and non-KCB customers, the card is great for first time credit card owners.
Enjoy discounts at 50+ KCB merchants, when you pay with your classic card.
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Flexible repayment options of between 10% to 100% of the outstanding balance.
Enjoy up to 45 days interest free period on your card *Terms and conditions apply.
Our 3D security features ensure that all your transactions are safe and secure.
Earn Simba Points that you can redeem for airtime, money and amazing deals.
Absolutely free. No charge at any merchant globally.
*A bank representative may call you at any time to obtain further information in line with our KYC process. At no point shall you be asked for your PIN or passwords. Remember, PIN yako siri yako.
**Charges are not inclusive of tax.
**Terms and Conditions Apply.